Maybe your site has gotten large enough the updates are taking more of your resources than you can afford. Perhaps you have gotten busy and need somebody to take care of your website updates for a while. Could be too, the needed changes are a little more than you feel confident in handling on your own.
Website knowledge
Website maintenance is something like auto maintenance. (you walk away asking what you paid for and if you overpaid). Many costly problems from people trying to save money and do it themselves SEO - terrible idea and it will cost you.
Find your website needs.
Many times the needed changes to a company website will go undetected by the average free or heap web builder software. Certain aspects of code clean-up and webpage reformatting should be taken care of periodically to keep up with changes in the search engine algorithms to allow you to maintain the best possible placement for your website.
Don't stop web maintenance
Changes need to be performed periodically even if none of the information about you or your company need updated. You should look to see that any copyright dates or time sensitive data has been updated properly, or that no hackers or bad code snuck into the website.
Search engines are watching: and they LOVE updates
Search engines pay attention to when a webpage has been updated ir edited with content. This will undoubtedly directly effect your search result placement.